About Me

My name is Valentino Nicola Jesse Sammarco. I am transmasculine and use he/him, they/them, and it/its pronouns. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. For my whole life, I have been a writer, artist, and storyteller.
Lately I have made the choice to live as my true self, and I have been trying to do so without fear. This is a choice I am making to combat my severe anxiety disorder and OCD, which have held me back for a long time. But now I am choosing to live, live, live.
This website is a reflection of myself for the internet to see. It is in the style of the Old Web because I despise how mega-corporations have watered down the uniqueness of individuals for the sake of advertisers and to be palatable for the widest general audience possible. I refuse to be watered down in the same way.